Our guests were sent an invitation by owl that said a floo network would be established at our address. This is the fireplace that greeted them when they arrived.
They were provided with instructions.
Inside, a Honeydukes Sweet shop greeted them. (Honeydukes printables courtesy of Jonesing2create)
The kids needed a galleon to purchase sweets, so they went on a hunt for a troll hoard in the dungeon.
On their way they ran into Moaning Myrtle.
On to the great hall, where the table was set with golden plates and piles of crackers. Unfortunately, magical crackers were sold out. We had to settle for the Muggle variety.
We had a roast dinner with butter beer, pumpkin juice or gilly water for drinks.
We dressed the part. Here we have Luna, Professors Trelawney and Lupin and an unnamed house elf